Optimizing PV Solar Design for Cost Efficiency and Performance

When embarking on a PV solar installation project, it is crucial to optimize the design to ensure both cost efficiency and performance. Solar projects are primarily driven by financial considerations, as they aim to lower energy costs while requiring a significant upfront investment. This blog post will explore how a recent project and consultation with a PV solar designer helped a client optimize their solar installation design, taking into account the financial aspects and specific requirements.

Enrique Lairet, PE

11/4/20232 min read

wind calculations engineer
wind calculations engineer
The Importance of Optimization

Optimizing the design of a PV solar installation is essential for several reasons. Firstly, it ensures that the system is tailored to meet the specific energy needs of the client. By accurately calculating the capacity required, unnecessary expenses can be avoided. Additionally, optimizing the design helps make the financing of the project feasible. Solar projects often involve substantial capital investment, and any increase in costs can significantly impact the financial viability of the project.

Collaboration with a Solar Installer

In the case of our client, we worked closely with a reputable solar installer to optimize the design of their proposed installation by providing wind engineering consulting. One of the critical factors we focused on was wind load calculations, as the project was located in Broward County, which falls under the High-Velocity Hurricane Zone (HVHZ) requirements. The HVHZ mandates a design wind speed of 170mph, necessitating careful consideration of the structural integrity of the solar panels.

Calculating Wind Load for Boviet Solar Panels

For this particular project, our team collaborated with the solar installer to calculate the wind load specific to the Boviet Solar Panels being used. Wind load refers to the force exerted by the wind on the solar panels, and accurate calculations are crucial to ensure the panels remain securely in place even during high wind events.

Considerations for HVHZ Requirements

With the HVHZ requirements in mind, our team meticulously calculated the wind load based on the specific design wind speed of 170mph. This involved evaluating various factors, including the size and weight of the panels, the mounting system used, and the overall structural design of the installation.

Optimizing Design for Cost Efficiency

While meeting the HVHZ requirements was a priority, we also aimed to optimize the design for cost efficiency. Even slight changes in materials and panels can have a substantial impact on the overall cost of the installation. By working closely with the solar installer, we were able to identify cost-effective alternatives without compromising on performance or safety.

Optimizing the design of a PV solar installation is crucial to ensure cost efficiency and performance. By collaborating with a solar installer and considering specific requirements, such as HVHZ mandates, it is possible to create a design that meets both financial and safety objectives. Through careful wind load calculations and an emphasis on cost-effective solutions, our recent project successfully optimized the design for our client's proposed installation, making the project financially viable and capable of withstanding high wind speeds.

wind calculations solar panel engineer
wind calculations solar panel engineer